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Mindfulness Meditations

Audio Recordings

Image by Lesly Juarez


What is Mindfulness?

 “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl

Mindfulness helps us to pay attention to what is happening moment by moment with greater awareness. Paying attention is a part of Mindfulness but on its own it is not enough; Mindfulness also teaches us to bring more compassion to ourselves and our experience. We spend so much of our time lost in thought often about the past or the future. When we are mindful the bridge between the past and the future is long, when we are mind-full (caught in habits of the mind, worries, memories and planning) the bridge between the past and the future is short which can lead to more stress and anxiety. Our thoughts, emotions and body sensations are not necessarily the issue, the issue is often how we relate to them. By paying attention to our full experience not just what we think about our experience we can begin to find greater freedom and choice in our lives.

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